Leonardtown High School
Faculty & Staff Directory
Name | Contact | Position |
Mr. J. Copsey | jhcopsey3@smcps.org | Principal |
Administrative Team
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Mr. E. Readyhough | ecreadyhough@smcps.org |
Assistant Principal - 9th Grade |
Ms. K. Bridges | kjbridges@smcps.org | Assistant Principal - 10th Grade |
Ms. S. Morris | smmorris@smcps.org | Assistant Principal - 11th Grade/Title IX |
Ms. K. Kiehlmeier | klkiehlmeier@smcps.org | Assistant Principal - 12th Grade, |
Ms. G. Gretton | vngretton@smcps.org | Assistant Principal - PST, Attendance, |
Mr. R. Henderson | rbhenderson@smcps.org | Athletics / Activities Director |
Health Office
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Ms. R. Cromwell | recromwell@smcps.org | Nurse |
Ms. D. Collins | drcollins@smcps.org | Nurse |
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Ms. P. Abell | pmabell@smcps.org | Registrar |
Ms. J. Hensel | jahensel@smcps.org | Counselor, Students A-CL |
Mr. R. Wolcott | rrwolcott@smcps.org | Counselor, Students Co-Ge/GIS |
Ms. L. Neitz | lkneitz@smcps.org | Counselor, Students Gi-Ki |
Ms. L. Guidry | lcguidry@smcps.org | Counselor, Students Kl-N |
Ms. C. Barger | cdbarger@smcps.org | Counselor, Students O-SM |
Mr. W. Sawyer | wnsawyer@smcps.org | Counselor, Students Sn-Z |
Ms. A. Head | anhead@smcps.org | Guidance Secretary |
Ms. J. Salter | School Psychologist | |
Ms. M. Seigman | mrseigman@smcps.org | Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW) |
Ms. M. VanDenBos | mavandenbos@smcps.org | Social Worker |
Ms. J. Wilson | jawilson@smcps.org | College Liaison |
Ms. N. Nagelvoort | nmnagelvoort@smcps. |
Career Liaison |
Career and Technology Education
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Mr. J. Cunningham | jccunningham@smcps.org | ISI Coordinator, EVLO Coordinator |
Ms. M. Finn | mafinn@smcps.org | Career/Technology Education, Department Chair |
Mr. J. Garrison | jsgarrison@smcps.org | Career/Technology Education |
Ms. C. Grebos | cagrebos@smcps.org | Career/Technology Education |
Ms. A. Kasupski | akkasupski@smcps.org | Career/Technology Education, Edgenuity |
Mr. L. Kokolios | ldkokolios@smcps.org | Career/Technology Education |
Ms. J. Villarreal | jevillarreal@smcps.org | Career/Technology Education |
Ms. A. Wright | aewright@smcps.org | Career/Technology Education |
English Department
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Mr. A. David | amdavid@smcps.org | English Department |
Ms. A. Day | asday@smcps.org | English Departmen |
Ms. C. Domitrovits | cldomitrovits@ |
English Department |
Ms. J. Heisler | jwheisler@smcps.org | English Department |
Ms. S. Feldhausen | English Department | |
Ms. A. John | aljohn@smcps.org | English Department/Literacy Coach |
Ms. K. O'Toole | kwotoole@smcps.org | English Department |
Ms. H. Page | hmpage@smcps.org | English Department |
Mr. E. Pike | aepike@smcps.org | English Department |
Mr. C. Schoenbauer | crschoenbauer@smcps.org | English Department |
Mr. J. Smith | jacobsmith@smcps.org | English Department |
Ms. S. Stephenson | sestephenson@smcps.org | English Department, Department Chair |
Dr. C. Sutton | cjsutton@smcps.org | English Departmen |
Ms. T. Wood | tawood@smcps.org | English Departmen |
Ms. C. Woolford | cewoolford@smcps.org | English Department |
Fine Arts Department
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Mr. G. Barbato | gjbarbato@smcps.org | Theater Arts |
Ms. S. Dulyachinda | sdulyachinda@smcps.org | Visual Arts |
Ms. L. Huff | ljhuff@smcps.org | Visual Arts |
Mr. H. Martin | hjmartin@smcps.org | Band |
Ms. S. Jacobs | sjjacobs@smcps.org | Visual Arts |
Mr. J. Oplinger | jpoplinger@smcps.org | Orchestra/Theory |
Ms. D. Osburn | dcosburn@smcps.org | Visual Arts, Department Chair |
Ms. K. Teston | keteston@smcps.org | Chorus |
Mathematics Department
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Mr. N. Brenfleck | nrbrenfleck@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Mr. G. Coombs | gacoombs@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Ms. M. Dunn | mrdunn@smcps.org | Math Departmen |
Ms. J. Honis | jdhonis@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Mr. R. Kaslavage | rpkaslavage@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Mr. M. Norris | mdnorris@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Ms. K. Reynolds | kereynolds@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Ms. K. Smith | krsmith@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Ms. T. Smith | tmsmith@smcps.org | Mathematics Department, Department Chair |
Mr. S. Snyder | sesnyder@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Ms. J. Thompson | jsthompson@smcps.org |
Mathematics Department |
Ms. L. Tiderman | lltiderman@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Ms. J. Walsh | jmwalsh@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Ms. R. Weller | rrweller@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Ms. A. Wincelowicz | amwincelowicz@smcps.org | Mathematics Department |
Media Specialists
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Ms. B. Hager | bahager@smcps.org | Media Specialist |
Mr. S. Roberson | slroberson@smcps.org | Media Assistant |
Mr. J. Turgeon | IT Specialist |
Physical Education Department
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Mr. J. Barber | jbbarber@smcps.org | Physical Education |
Mr. S. Correll | sccorrell@smcps.org | Physical Education, Department Chair |
Ms. J. Costello | jlcostello@smcps.org | Physical Education |
Ms. L. Healy | lahealy@smcps.org | Physical Education |
Ms. J. Henderson | jshenderson@smcps.org | Physical Education |
Mr. F. Lanham | fmlanham@smcps.org | Physical Education |
Mr. W. Raley | waraley@smcps.org | Physical Education |
Science Department
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Ms. M. Angel | mlangel@smcps.org | Science Department |
Ms. T. Countiss | tmcountiss@smcps.org | Science Department |
Ms. A. Dyson | andyson@smcps.org | Science Department |
Ms. E. Dyson | eadyson@smcps.org | Science Department |
Mr. Z. Fulp | zcfulp@smcps.org | Science Department |
Ms. L. Massie | ldmassie@smcps.org | Science Department |
Mr. K. McCarthy | kpmccarthy@smcps.org | Science Department |
Ms. N. Peters | napeters@smcps.org | Science Department |
Mr. S. Rigney | smrigney@smcps.org | Science Department |
Dr. R. Solomon | Science Department | |
Ms. E. Sunderland | ecsunderlandbaldwin@smcps.org | Science Department, Department Chair |
Ms. C. Watson | clwatson@smcps.org | Science Department |
Ms. J. Wiltshire | jrwiltshire@smcps.org | Science Department |
Social Studies Department
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Mr. K. Basso | knbasso@smcps.org | Social Studies Department |
Mr. F. Bloch | frbloch@smcps.org | Social Studies Department |
Mr. J. Bressler | jtbressler@smcps.org | Social Studies Department |
Mr. B. Byrnes |
brbyrnes@smcps.org | AP World History: Modern | Modern World History |
Social Studies Department, Department Co-Chair |
Mr. D. Cummins | dacummins@smcps.org | Social Studies Department |
Mr. B. Goldsmith | bdgoldsmith@smcps.org | Social Studies Department |
Ms. T. Harding | tlharding@smcps.org | Social Studies Department, Department Co-Chair |
Mr. J. Johnson | jpjohnson@smcps.org | Social Studies Department |
Ms. M. Lellis | malellis@smpcs.org | Social Studies Department |
Ms. C. Massong | ctwarfieldmassong@smcps.org | Social Studies |
Mr. L. Sappe | ljsappe@smcps.org | Social Studies Department |
Ms. N. Walker | nvwalker@smcps.org | Social Studies Department |
Mr. J. Webb | jwebb@smcps.org | Social Studies Department |
Special Education Department
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Ms. F. Anitapriya | fanaitapriya@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. K. Burton | kmburton@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. A. Colao | amcalao@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. J. Conner | jrconner@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. J. Cucinotta | jkcucinotta@smcps.org | LAP Counselor |
Ms. A. Dudley | andudley@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. M. Kiernan | mnkiernan@smcps.org | Special Education Department, Department Chair |
Ms. R. Matthews | ramatthews@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. D. McKissick | dmmckissick@smcps.org | LAP Counselor |
Mr. J. Mickely | jpmickley@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. S. Moriarty | skmoriarty@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. L. Nardo | lenardo@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Mr. T. Payton | tapayton@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. M. Seanor | mjseanor@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. C. Sullivan | cbsullivan@smcps.org | Special Education Department |
Ms. J. Brooks | jmbrooks@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. V. Combs | vccombs@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. S. Crawford | sccrawford@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. T. Edelen | tlhecker@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. C. Gaskins | cdthompson@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. C. Leon | caleon@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. K. Marco | krmarco@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. C. Ramirez | ckramirez@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. M. Tiller | metiller@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. S. Watson | sdwatson@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. A. Whitney | alwhitney@smcps.org | Special Education para-educator |
Ms. H. Fox | hlfox@smcps.org | Sign Language Interpreter |
Ms. R. McDonald | rrmcdonald@smcps.org | Speech Pathologist |
Ms. A. Barker | ajbarker@smcps.org | Special Education IEP Chairperson |
World Languages Department
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Ms. S. Chen | schen@smcps.org | Chinese |
Ms. B. Fallon | bsfallon@smcps.org | Spanish |
Dr. M. Flores | mlflores@smcps.org | ESOL |
Ms. N. Fedeli | nkfedeli@smcps.org | German |
Ms. M. Hayes | mlhayes@smcps.org | Latin, Department Chair |
Ms. A. Kasupski | akkasupski@smcps.org | German |
Ms. K. Kuntz | kmkuntz@smcps.org | Spanish |
Ms. G. Ortiz | gxortiz@smcps.org | Spanish |
Ms. M. Salazar | msalazar@smcps.org | Spanish |
Ms.D. Singleton | dsingleton@smcps.org | ESOL |
Ms. V. Tsekouras | vatsekouras@smcps.org | French |
LHS Support Staff
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
TBD | Main Office Secretary | |
Ms. E. Dornisch | eadornisch@smcps. |
Attendance Secretary |
Ms. B. Carter | bdcarter@smcps.org | Secretary to the Principal |
Ms. K. Mushrush | kmmushrush@smcps.org | School Bank & School Dude |
Mr. B. Smith | bsmith@smcps.org | 9th/12th Grade Secretary, Substitute Coordinator |
Ms. M. Stofferahn | mastofferahn@ |
10th/11th Grade Secretary, Special Education Secretary |
Building Support
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Mr. L. Mills | ldmills@smcps.org | Building Service Manager |
TBD | Building Service Assistant Manager | |
Ms. T. Gibson | tlgibson@smcps.org | Food Service Manager |
TBD | Food Service Assistant Manager |
Safety Assistants
Name | Contact/Website | Position |
Mr. M. Levy | malevy@smcps.org | Lead Safety Assistant |
Corporal J. Davis | jldavis@contracted.smcps.org | School Resource Officer (SRO) |