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At Leonardtown, we practice being Raider STRONG! Do you know what that means? Each letter stands for a special word that describes our school-wide expectations. Ask your student about it! These letters are the foundation of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Tier 1 supports. 

We used this model to help shape our school culture by encouraging students to be Scholarly, Trustworthy, Respectful, take Ownership, make No excuses, and to be Genuine. Our MTSS team looks at academic and behavioral data to consider supports needed for LHS to be an effective learning environment for all Raiders.

We are excited to share that last year our discipline data showed positive changes, and we are using our MTSS with high fidelity throughout the school building. This is something to celebrate!  We look forward to continuing the growth of MTSS in our school community and we can’t wait to start another school year!

Click here to give MTSS Feedback or learn how you or your business can be involved!

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